Can Pasta Help Build Muscles?


Can Pasta Help Build Muscles?

When it comes to muscle building, the focus is often placed on protein – from chicken and beef to fish and eggs. However, protein doesn't play a vital role on its own in muscle growth; carbohydrates also contribute significantly to building muscles alongside protein.


Adding pasta to your diet can be a healthy way to benefit from both its carbohydrate and protein content, offering a nutritious approach to building more muscle. You can make your dish even healthier by incorporating low-fat sauces, lean meats, and low-fat cheese, or adding a touch of olive oil if you need extra fats.


Per 100 grams, Perfecto pasta provides around 75 grams of carbohydrates. Practically, one cup of cooked pasta provides about 37 grams of carbohydrates.


Carbohydrates serve as a primary source for generating thermal energy in our bodies. The importance of carbohydrates is evident in:


1. Supplying the body with necessary energy, as 1 gram of carbohydrates equals 4 calories.

2. Strengthening nerves and the digestive system.

3. Regulating the peristaltic movement of the digestive tract, ensuring proper digestion, absorption, and excretion.

4. Facilitating calcium absorption, protecting against osteoporosis.

5. Assisting in dietary regulation and aiding in the formation of antibodies, meaning immune bodies.


The carbohydrate digestion process in pasta helps lower blood sugar, providing additional sustained activity and supplying the body with energy. Due to its high liquid content, pasta offers a long-lasting feeling of fullness compared to other foods.


For a balanced and comprehensive diet, it is advisable to avoid fatty, cream-rich sauces and opt for lean, low-fat meats instead. This way, you obtain a well-rounded, beneficial meal for the human body.


Food is the foundational pillar for muscle building and maintaining physical and overall health. Our bodies require a substantial proportion of carbohydrates to provide the necessary energy. Pasta, rich in carbohydrates, accounting for 40 to 50 percent of total caloric intake, serves as a good source for sustaining regular physical exercise and continuous muscle building.