The Top 10 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes to Avoid

The Top 10 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes to Avoid

Intermittent fasting has become an increasingly popular way to lose weight, improve health, and simplify eating habits. However, some common mistakes can sabotage your intermittent fasting results. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top 10 intermittent fasting mistakes to avoid for successful weight loss and health improvement.


Intermittent fasting involves alternating between periods of fasting and eating. It has been shown to promote weight loss, improve cardiovascular health, decrease inflammation, and regulate blood sugar levels. The most popular approaches include the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window, as well as alternate day fasting. 

While intermittent fasting can be highly effective when done correctly, there are some mistakes that beginners often make. Avoiding these pitfalls will help you get the most out of intermittent fasting, so you can reach your health and weight loss goals faster.

1. Choosing an Unsuitable Fasting Plan

The first mistake is choosing an intermittent fasting plan that does not fit your lifestyle or health goals. For example, trying an intense plan like alternate day fasting may be too difficult if you are new to fasting. Or doing the 16/8 method may not create enough of a calorie deficit for weight loss if you tend to overeat within the 8-hour window.

Consider your schedule, activity levels, and goals when selecting a fasting plan. Start with a beginner-friendly plan like 12 to 14 hours of fasting and gradually work your way up to more advanced plans. Listening to your body and adjusting as needed is key.

 2. Overeating During the Eating Window 

One of the biggest intermittent fasting mistakes is consuming too many calories within your eating window. Just because you fasted all morning does not mean you can indulge in a 2,000 calorie lunch! 

Be mindful of portions and avoid calorie-dense foods during your eating window. Focus on whole, nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not overly full. This will help with weight loss.

3. Eating Unhealthy Foods 

Sticking to processed junk food within your eating window is another common mistake. Just because you are intermittent fasting does not mean the rules of healthy eating no longer apply.

Focus your meals around fibre-rich complex carbs, plant-based proteins and healthy fats. Processed snacks like chips, cookies and fast food can spike blood sugar and hunger levels, making fasting more challenging.

4. Not Eating Enough Calories

On the flip side, not eating enough calories during your eating window can backfire. Consuming too few calories can leave you feeling tired, moody and unable to power through your fasts.

Aim to meet your basic calorie needs within your eating window. Use a calorie calculator to find your maintenance level. You may need to play around with your portions to identify the right calorie amount that allows you to stick to your fasts without extreme hunger or deprivation.

 5. Failing to Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is another downfall of intermittent fasting. Drinking enough water is crucial. Water helps control hunger pangs, gives you energy and keeps your body functioning properly.  

Drink water, unsweetened tea or black coffee during your fasts. Herbal teas can also help curb hunger. Pay attention to your thirst levels and drink enough fluids to stay well hydrated. Electrolyte tablets can also help replenish nutrients lost through frequent urination.

6. Drinking Sugary Beverages

Sugary sodas, juices, coffee drinks, and other beverages with calories can break your fast metabolically, even if they do not contain solid foods. They may also increase hunger and cravings. 

Stick to water, unsweetened black coffee and tea. If you need a little flavour, add lemon, mint or a small amount of milk. Avoid sugar-laden creamers and artificial sweeteners as well. 

7. Starting Too Ambitiously 

When excited to try intermittent fasting, it is easy to start off too ambitiously. Attempting an intense 20-hour fast or alternate day fasting without working your way up can set you up for failure. 

Start with 12 to 14 hours and work your way up by an hour or two per week as your body adjusts. This gradual increase will help you avoid frustration from biting off more than you can chew too soon. Patience is vital.

8. Skipping Workouts

While exercise is not mandatory, working out provides many benefits that can enhance your intermittent fasting results. Exercise helps burn extra calories, boosts metabolism, builds muscle and triggers beneficial hormonal changes.

 Schedule workouts during your fasting period when possible, as exercising in a fasted state can burn fat more effectively. Just start slow and listen to your body. Working out will accelerate your results.

 9. Not Having a Plan for Difficult Moments

There will inevitably be moments when fasting gets difficult, especially in the beginning. You may experience headaches, irritability, cravings or a lack of energy. Having a plan to get through these hurdles will help you stay the course. 

Identify your go-to fasting tips and tools, like drinking coffee, taking a walk or taking an electrolyte supplement. Having strategies in place makes getting through the difficult moments easier. The more you fast, the less often these moments will occur.

10. Giving Up Too Quickly

Lastly, do not give up too quickly if you do not see the results you want within the first few weeks. Your body needs time to adjust to intermittent fasting. Fat adaptation takes time. Be patient and stick with the plan for at least 6 to 8 weeks before assessing.

Additionally, reevaluate your methods and troubleshoot. Track your fasting schedule, monitor your calories, and adjust your window as needed. With fine-tuning and consistency, your body will adapt to intermittent fasting.


Avoiding common intermittent fasting mistakes will help you reap the full benefits in terms of sustainable weight loss, improved health and body composition changes. Be mindful of your eating window, stay hydrated, start slow and stick with it. Intermittent fasting gets easier the longer you practice it. Stay diligent through the ups and downs and you will likely see excellent fasting results.


1. Gunnars, K., "10 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes to Avoid", Healthline, 2022. 

2. Stephens, B., "The Most Common Intermittent Fasting Mistakes", Openfit, 2021.

3. Rueveni, R., "8 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That You Have to Avoid", Fasting Lane, 2020.  

4. White, J., "6 Most Common Mistakes People Make With Intermittent Fasting”, Greatist, 2019.

5. D'Ambrosio, A., "7 Reasons You Are Gaining Weight While Intermittent Fasting”, Mindbodygreen, 2022.