The Top Supplements for Muscle Growth and Strength


The Top Supplements for Muscle Growth and Strength

Bodybuilding and strength training requires hard work, dedication, and the right nutrition to maximize muscle growth. While a solid training program and diet are the foundation, certain supplements can greatly enhance results. Here are some of the top science-backed supplements for muscle growth and strength.

 1. Creatine

Creatine is one of the most researched and effective supplements for improving muscle growth and strength. It is produced naturally in the body to supply energy to muscles and tissues. Supplemental creatine increases muscle creatine content by up to 40%, influencing muscle cells and athletic performance [1]. This enhances muscle gains, strength, and high-intensity exercise capacity, allowing better workouts and eventually more muscle growth over time [1].

Creatine also increases water content in muscle cells, causing slight swelling and signals for muscle growth. It may reduce muscle protein breakdown, raise levels of muscle-building hormones like IGF-1, and has been extensively studied and found to be safe [1].


 2. Protein Supplements

Protein supplements are a staple for bodybuilders and anyone looking to build muscle and sculpt their body. Protein plays a key role in muscle growth, and these supplements provide large amounts of nutrients. The main benefits of protein supplements include [2]:

-       Helping to lose fat and weight while retaining muscle mass when cutting. Protein supplements improve glucose tolerance, reduce triglycerides, and boost feelings of fullness.

-       Quickly reducing muscle soreness and strains. Protein aids recovery and increases endurance.

-       Providing the amino acids required for muscle repair and growth after workouts.


Whey, casein, egg, soy, pea and hemp proteins are common options. Whey protein that is quickly digested and absorbed is ideal post-workout, while casein protein digests slowly, providing sustained release of amino acids [2].


 3. Beta-Alanine 

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that enhances athletic performance and decreases fatigue from training. It also helps build muscle mass when combined with exercise. One study found taking 4 grams per day for 8 weeks increased lean body mass [3].

Beta-alanine buffers lactic acid buildup, reducing the burning sensation during strenuous exercise, allowing longer muscle exertion [3]. It increases carnosine levels in muscles, raising workout capacity [4].


 4. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs refer to the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. They stimulate protein synthesis, muscle growth, and decreased muscle breakdown, especially during exercise [4]. BCAA supplementation before and after workouts reduces muscle soreness and fatigue. Leucine specifically activates muscle growth via the mTOR pathway.

5-10 grams of BCAAs per workout is effective for boosting performance and recovery. BCAAs are also useful while cutting to preserve lean muscle mass when in a calorie deficit [4].


 5. Citrulline Malate

Citrulline malate is a compound of the amino acid citrulline and malic acid that enhances performance, endurance, and muscle pumps. It widens blood vessels, increasing blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles [5]. Citrulline malate boosts the production of nitric oxide, ATP energy production, and creatine phosphate restoration [5].

Doses of 6-8 grams have been shown to reduce fatigue and buffer lactic acid during training, allowing longer workouts at higher intensities. It is often taken as a pre-workout supplement.


 6. Multivitamins

Multivitamins provide all the critical vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients needed for optimal bodily processes and muscle function. Deficiencies in any of these can slow muscle building efforts. Bodybuilders have increased vitamin and mineral needs from intense training, making multivitamin supplementation essential [6].

Multivitamins optimize energy production, muscle recovery and repair, hormone synthesis, and immune function. They also reduce oxidative stress from workouts. A daily multivitamin helps ensure optimal nutrition for muscle gains.


 7. ZMA

ZMA supplement combines zinc, magnesium aspartate, and vitamin B6. Zinc and magnesium play crucial roles in testosterone production, growth hormone levels, muscle repair, and quality sleep [7]. Intense training can deplete these minerals. Vitamin B6 aids nutrient absorption.

ZMA has been shown to raise testosterone and growth hormone levels when used nightly at doses of about 30mg zinc, 450mg magnesium, and 10-11mg B6. Better sleep quality also improves workout recovery and muscle building.


 8. Glutamine 

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue. Just one workout can deplete glutamine stores by up to 40% [8]. Supplementing glutamine improves performance by raising growth hormone levels, increasing muscle cell volume, and speeding recovery after exercise [8].

Doses of 5-10 grams of L-glutamine per day help replenish depleted glutamine stores in muscles, allowing better muscle rebuilding following your workout sessions. This protects muscle wasting when training intensely.


 9. Fish Oil/Omega-3s

Fish oil provides the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that have numerous benefits for health and muscle building. Omega-3s reduce inflammation, assist protein synthesis, and optimize hormone production [9].

Inflammation hinders recovery from training and muscle growth. Omega-3s also improve blood flow, nutrient delivery, and uptake into muscles. Aim for 2-5 grams combined EPA/DHA daily. Fish oil supports joint health for lifting heavy weights as well.


 10. HMB

Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine. HMB enhances protein synthesis, and muscle strength, and aids recovery when taken at doses of 3 grams per day [10]. Multiple studies illustrate reduced muscle breakdown and increased lean mass and strength gains with HMB supplementation [10].


 11. Caffeine

Caffeine provides a strength and endurance boost for training sessions. It has repeatedly been shown to increase exercise capacity, workout performance, motivation, and focus [11]. Caffeine breaks down fat for fuel and releases fatty acids into the bloodstream.

A dose of 3-6 mg per kg of body weight consumed 60 minutes pre-workout is optimal. However, caffeine should be cycled to avoid tolerance. Use caffeine before key sessions versus daily workouts for maximum benefit.



A variety of safe, proven supplements can effectively enhance progress when building muscle and strength. Creatine, protein, and caffeine are research-backed for improving performance, body composition, and recovery. Others such as citrulline malate, beta-alanine, BCAAs, ZMA, and glutamine provide additional support.

Multivitamins, omega-3s, and HMB help optimize nutrition and protect hard-earned muscle. While diet and training form the base, these supplements can provide a significant additional boost. Use the proper doses and the best time to take each supplement for ideal results.



[1] Tinsley, G. (2017). The 6 Best Supplements to Gain Muscle. Healthline. 

[2] Top 14 Positive And Side Effects Of Supplements On The Body. (2014). Vkool. 

[3] Bennett, A. (2017). Top 10 Muscle Building Supplements. Livestrong. 

[4] Choueiri, R. (2017). Top Ten Safest Bodybuilding Supplements. Livestrong.