18 Simple Ways to Burn 500 Calories Per Day

18 Simple Ways to Burn 500 Calories Per Day

Shedding excess pounds takes consistency and commitment. While crash diets may deliver quick results, they are often unsustainable and can be unhealthy. A small daily calorie deficit of 500 calories can lead to healthier, gradual weight loss over time.

Losing about one pound per week requires cutting 500 calories per day through a combination of diet and exercise modifications. This article explores easy, practical strategies you can implement daily to achieve this calorie deficit and lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way.


Obesity continues to be a major health concern worldwide. Carrying excess body fat raises your risks for chronic illnesses like heart disea200-case, diabetes, and cancer. Losing even a moderate amount of weight can significantly lower these risks. To lose one pound per week, you need to have a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories. This means taking in 500 fewer calories or burning 500 more calories through exercise. Small daily changes in your diet and activity level make losing one pound weekly an achievable goal.

Ways to Cut 500 Calories From Your Diet

Monitoring your caloric intake and making better food choices can help create the necessary deficit. Here are some simple diet strategies to cut 500 daily calories:

1. Swap Out Unhealthy Snacks

Unhealthy snacks like chips, cookies, and candy offer little nutritional value and are high in calories. Swapping these for healthy snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yoghurt can easily shave off calories. For example, swapping a Lorie candy bar for a 70-calorie apple saves 130 calories.

2. Choose Lower Calorie Versions

Opting for lower-calorie versions of common foods can make a significant daily impact. Use regular cheese instead of double cream brie, light mayonnaise rather than regular, and sugar-free syrup over full sugar.

3. Leave Off High Calorie Toppings

Avoid extras that pile on calories like creamy sauces, cheese, bacon bits, croutons, and sugary glazes. For example, having a baked potato instead of one loaded with butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon can save roughly 200 calories.

4. Pay Attention to Portions

Overeating by just a few bites per meal can add up. Be mindful of portions, especially with calorie-dense foods like oils, cheese, nuts and meat. Measure your portions to get an accurate calorie count.

5. Bulk Up On Veggies

Fill up on low-calorie, nutrient-dense vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Veggies provide volume and nutrients with minimal calories. Replace some meat or grains with extra vegetables to cut calories without sacrificing fullness.

6. Limit Liquid Calories

Beverages like soda, juices, coffee drinks, and alcohol can pack in sneaky calories. Stick to water as your primary drink and limit sugary drinks to save calories. For example, swapping a 150-calorie soda for zero-calorie flavoured sparkling water saves 150 calories.

Ways to Burn an Extra 500 Calories Through Exercise

Along with diet changes, increasing your daily physical activity can create the calorie deficit needed for weight loss. Any additional exercise helps burn more calories. Here are some easy ways to torch 500 extra calories through exercise:

1. Go For a 60 Minute Brisk Walk

Brisk walking for one hour can burn around 300 calories. It’s an accessible exercise for most fitness levels that’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

2. Take a 60 Minute Cycling Class

Attending a cycling class like spin will typically burn over 500 calories in an hour. Cycling is a joint-friendly cardio workout that works your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and more.

3. Swim Laps for 60 Minutes

Swim at a moderate pace for 60 minutes to torch well over 500 calories. Swimming works your entire body and is easy on the joints. If you don’t have pool access, water aerobics offers similar benefits.

4. Jump Rope for 60 Minutes

Jumping rope burns over 700 calories per hour, making it a calorie-incinerating exercise. All you need is a jump rope and good cardio endurance to jump for extended periods.

5. Take a 60 Minute Aerobics Class

From Zumba to step aerobics, dance-inspired group fitness classes can burn over 600 calories in an hour. The upbeat music and choreography make working out fun.

6. Complete a HIIT Workout

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) cycles between intense bursts of activity and rest periods. Just 30 minutes of HIIT can burn close to 400 calories. Expand it to an hour to burn over 500.

Ways to Sneak In More Physical Activity

In addition to dedicated workout time, subtle increases in daily activity add up. Here are suggestions for burning extra calories through non-exercise activities:

1. Take Regular Walking Breaks

Fit in short 5-10 minute walking breaks throughout your day to burn extra calories. Take a quick walk around the office after meetings or stroll around the mall while shopping.

2. Opt for Active Transportation

Bike, walk, rollerblade or skateboard to your destinations instead of driving. For example, a 30-minute walk to work and back adds up to around 100 extra calories burned.

3. Take the Stairs

Skip the elevator and take the stairs whenever you can. Climbing stairs engages your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves while raising your heart rate.

4. Up Your NEAT

NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This includes daily activities like cleaning, gardening, standing and fidgeting. Look for ways to increase your NEAT each day.

5. Play Active Games

Schedule active play like swimming, basketball, tennis or beach volleyball with friends and family. Pickup games burn calories and strengthen bonds.

The Takeaway

Making small daily tweaks to your diet while integrating more physical activity into your routine can effectively create a 500-calorie deficit. This translates into roughly one pound of fat loss per week. Employing these simple, sustainable strategies makes reaching this daily goal very feasible without drastic changes. Stay consistent, be patient, and the pounds will begin to come off!