Entertainment Places in Amman for Youth


Entertainment Places in Amman for Youth


The youth in Jordan are one of the things that distinguish Jordan as a young country, with the youth making up more than half of the population. This makes Jordan one of the countries that makes a great effort to support the youth in order to empower them and improve their levels, as most of them are educated and have knowledge and interests they are inclined to.

To enable the youth to contribute to active participation in society, the Jordanian government seeks to create activities that invest the energy of the youth, and provide entertainment places in Amman for youth and volunteer work, and work through them to support the youth to be ready for the future through diverse programs. It also works to provide opportunities for youth and the vulnerable group of youth with disabilities who face difficulty in accessing these activities, services and programs that aim to empower them in society.

Entertainment Places in Amman for Youth

Youth often look for places that are characterized by the element of adventure and movement, and some of them look for suitable places to take pictures, and at other times young people feel that it is better to spend time in places that are characterized by tranquility and comfort after a long work week. Therefore, there are many entertainment places for youth in Jordan that suit different interests:

Bubble Football Club

Bubble football is one of the sports games that work to strengthen the muscles of the feet, and it is one of the fun entertainment games. It requires forming a team of friends and wearing the huge bubble and then starting to play.

Escape Games

These are the best recreational activities; As it works to stimulate the mind and increase the level of adrenaline significantly, and the duration of the game is sixty minutes, and the player must solve the puzzle to get out of the place.

Trampoline Games

The trampoline park provides fun and laughter, and it has a large space for jumping and having fun.

Downtown Amman

Downtown Amman contains many shops, cafes and archaeological sites where young people can spend time in order to entertain themselves. It has many perfume shops, antiques, and handicrafts.

Alf Leila Wa Leila Turkish Bath

In this place, a young man can enjoy relaxation and relaxation after a long work day. It provides massage sessions by specialists.

Tips for Choosing a Vacation Spot

Before embarking on a trip to spend the vacation and find entertainment places in Amman for youth and enjoy them, it is advisable to follow some important tips to avoid any problems or boredom, and to avoid forgetting any of the important matters you need on that trip:[3]

The Location

First, the location and type must be determined. Do not rely solely on pictures of the place. It is better to inquire about it and the services available in it, and know the way to it, or make sure that public transportation is available to it.

Time of the Trip

It is necessary to determine the time of the trip to look at the weather condition and its suitability for the type of activity, and in the case of using public transportation, it must be ensured that it leaves the station only at specific times.

Company on the Trip

It is preferable to go on a trip with those who have common interests, to avoid boredom and disagreement about the places to go to.

Things to Bring Along

A list should be made of the necessary things to take on the trip so as not to forget anything important like medicines, cameras, power banks, etc.


Determine the maximum budget for the trip so as not to overspend. Compare prices of activities at different locations as well.


There are many entertainment places suitable for youth in Amman, Jordan. The options range from adventurous activities like escape rooms, to more relaxed activities like going to cafes and Turkish baths. Some key things to keep in mind when choosing a place is considering the interests of the company, timing, location, budget and preparing any items needed for the trip. With proper planning, the youth in Jordan can find many interesting ways to spend their free time.